

旅日記④イギリス / Travel Diary ④ England


Today, I want to introduce around Big Ben. I was not happy about the picture because of the weather. However, Big Ben was awesome .


Around Big Ben was one of the most famous sightseeing spot in England so there are many foreigners.



I went to a aquarium near Big Ben. The entrance fee was very expensive. It was so boring. It was not what I expected, and I regretted visiting there . I don't ever plan on coming back again!




At night, I went to British Bar. There are some differences between Japanese and the British .People in Japan like to drink and eat food at the same time, but  people in England like to drink and talk with friends without eating. I had culture shock.

The cost of living is high in England. A tap of beer costs 10 dollar and I almost stoped ordering it . This made me realize that the costs of eating and drinking is lower than other countries.


London at the night was amazing. Big Ben was illuminated and I can see the light on the river. There were people kissing , tearing on the bridge and it moved me because it looked like the one in the romance movie.


Next, I want to introduce another famous spots in London . See ya!!!旅